Stability Testing for Cosmetics, OTC, Supplements, & More
Certified Laboratories offers in-package stability testing based on ICH, FDA, USP, EP, and ISO regulations for cosmetics, OTC, personal care products, dietary supplements, cannabis products, and more. With more than 90 stability testing chambers available, we provide a full range of stability testing conditions based on ICH guidelines for long-term, intermediate, and accelerated stability testing to support your quality and safety needs.
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Available Stability Testing Services
Our stability testing labs can perform long-term, intermediate, accelerated, and photostability tests based on ICH guidelines to support your shelf-life claims, expiration claims, and period-after-opening (PAO) claims. We also offer rental of our chamber space for storage-only projects.
Services include the following (contact us if you don’t see what you need):
Active Ingredient Assays by HPLC, GC, and other Analyses
Antimicrobial Effectiveness/PET
Microbial Limits
BP, EP, JP, and USP Monographs Tests
Specific Gravity
Package Compatibility
Weight Loss/Gain
Freeze/Thaw Analysis
Ambient/Above Ambient
ICH Storage Conditions
The stability testing team offers the following storage conditions in accordance with ICH guidance available on site:
- 25°C ± 2°C / 60%RH ± 5%RH
- 40°C ± 2°C / 75%RH ± 5%RH
- 30°C ± 2°C / 65%RH ± 5%RH
- 30°C ± 2°C / 75%RH ± 5%RH
- 45°C ± 2°C
- 50°C ± 2°C
- 60°C ± 2°C
- 5°C ± 2°C (Refrigerator)
- UV
- Photostability [per ICH Q1B guidelines, option 2 (1.2 million lux – hour/200 W/M²)]
- Freeze/thaw (-10°C to -20°C)
- Ambient /Above Ambient
Receive Timely Reports After the Scheduled Pull Date
While we can’t speed up product degradation, our stability testing labs can expedite the testing process itself. We strive to complete your report quickly after each pull point.
- Pull samples at prescribed intervals (e.g. 3 months, 6 months, etc.)
- Perform required physical/organoleptic, microbiological, chemistry/analytical, and other testing
- Provide best practice advice, detailed protocol, and an official stability trending report
Complimentary Recommendations
Understanding the regulations and guidelines surrounding stability testing for cosmetics, personal care products, and supplements can be challenging. This crucial information guides the design of your stability test protocol, providing essential data to meet regulatory demands and uphold quality and safety standards.
Our experts provide consulting and recommendations based on our extensive knowledge of ICH, FDA, and other important guidelines and regulations. This helps you rest assured that you will receive the data you need to make the best decisions.
We not only provide trending reports for your stability project, we also support and guide you throughout the entire lifespan of your stability testing project.
Receive Easy-to-Understand Reports
What good is a final report that you can’t understand? Our reports have gained a reputation in the industry for being highly visual and easy to read, which our clients love. They provide the data you need in a format that you can understand.
Talk to an Expert When You Need To
- 1:1 interaction with the scientists managing your stability tests
- Talk to an expert in the event of an out-of-spec (OOS) result
- Fast, responsive replies to your calls and emails
- Receive answers to your questions
Complete the form to receive a quote for stability testing of your cosmetic, personal care, supplements, or other products.